About 35 people bought $1,123 worth of
just-in-case parts, clothes, Billie's sauce, and memories.
Many milled about the auction items.
Dub Brown, Gerald Walker,
Gladys & Bob Steinmann, Paul Ranney, Ed Angel, and Neil Carlton
Dub, Gerald, Dennis McDaniel, Gladys, Nancy McCormick and Rebecca Jordan
Paul pushes up the price of a 2013 Texas Tour t-shirt.
In the background: Billie Cunningham, John Sullivan, Claude Folta, Ed, and Glenn Schiller
Paul pitches an out-of-the-box water pump.
Ed peddles a pig in a poke, while behind him,
Max Pillips ponders if he should enter the bidding.
Laurie Taylor, Joy Morrison, June Bohn, Kiki Corry, Billie, and Diane Brown
Nancy, Rebecca, Cheryl Tatro, and Gladys
Happiness is a full floorboard after an auction.
Pictures by Glenn and J R Howard
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