Leander High School
Saturday April 15, 2023

Saturday was a fine day. After eating with Cheryl Tatro, Joe Hocker, Sandra Carlton, Fred Thompson, and Felix Boston at IHOP, new member Dennis Harwell, in his '31 Fordor, arrived. Then it was off to the JROTC Car Show in Leander. Mine was the only Model A at the car show. Jim Ferguson, John Sullivan, Jack Reeves, and Dean Krahn were visitors. We met a gentleman that had recently inherited his grandfathers Model A. He was busy restoring it and said he would be coming to our Saturday IHOP breakfast to ask a lot of questions.

1910 Model T

1941 fORD

1923 Ford C Cab

What your dashboard could look like.


Best Paint Job Ever

The car is painted like a F-18 Navy fighter and they use JP-5.
Until 1995, the Air Force used JP-4, but they now use JP-8

Most Aerodynamic Car

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