Restoration Workshop
Saturday, May 6th

It was a cloudy humid day in a quiet neighborhood. And on one of the back streets in a small garage, filled with tools, a group of men tries to find answers to life's persistent questions. Model A questions that is! Some questions were rhetorical and some not so much. From my view of backsides and elbows as I walked in, these guys knew what they were doing and were already deep into the work-part of the workshop.

First on the menu was the installation of Ron's Argentinian exhaust manifold to replace the leaky, old manifold. Prior to the workshop, Claude did a magnificent job of resurfacing the manifold flange for a leak-free fit.

Ron then smoothed out the inside of the ports to allow the exhaust gases an easy exit. It is worth noting that the port-diameter of the Made-in-Argentina manifold was slightly smaller than the original Ford. Ron will report later as to any difference in drivability or performance.

The putt putt putter putt of Ron's engine called attention to the garage signaling the manifold installation was complete. Many ears turned towards the engine compartment hearing nary a tick or any indication of a leak. Another successful restoration workshop!

Since the carburetor had to come off for the manifold installation, it was a good time to see what it looked like on the inside. John G. discovered a Gulliver-sized beach worth of sediment in the bottom of the float bowl.

A timely discovery as this is exactly the type of invisible gremlin that can stop your engine from running, usually at the most inopportune time.

Claude displayed and demonstrated his fuse set-up attached to the starter for a nice original engineering feel. The fuses are for extra circuits including the horn. The cloth wiring to the bus terminal is an artful touch adding good looks and factory style dependability to his well-put-together 1929 Roadster Pickup.

The loudest ahooga horn many of us have ever heard announced Jack Reeves' fashionably late arrival in his beautiful 1930 Tudor named Arthur. He told us Sparton is still in business, and he bought the horn brand new! By the looks and sound, it was money well spent.

John, Jim, and J R

Jack, Fredrick, Ron, and Joe

Our club has these for sale

In attendance were: (left to right) Claude Folta, Walter Payne, Club President Fredrick Khoury, Ron Taylor, John G. Sullivan, J.R. Howard, Jack Reeves, Joe Hocker, and Jim Ferguson.

Our garage host for this month's Restoration Workshop was the affable Claude Folta. Thank you Claude! And thank you to everyone for your camaraderie in pursuit of our mutual admiration for Henry's Lady. -30- Walter

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