Restoration Clinic
July 13 at Phillip's Garage
Leaders: Ron Taylor & Al Bohn
The good hands people
Jim Ferguson, Max Phillips, Joe Hocker, Tim Sellers, John Sutfin, Gary Sutfin,
John G. Sullivan, Al Bohn, Fred Thompson, and Earnest Nichols
John & Gary return from a test drive in their '30 Speedster.
Top off the tank and get a 6 volt fuel pump on order.
Walter & Jim discussing distributor fixes.
Gary & John cleaning spark plugs.
Ron adjusts the gas-choke rod.
Jim & Max install a new condenser.
Jim helps Max
Running well on level ground.
Maximum brain power at work!
Ernest changes the oil
Also it should run better after installing a carbureator kit.
The four hoursemen - John, Jim, Tim, and Ron
Just clearing the building before starting