Restoration Clinic
Jim Cunningham's shop
June 4, 2016

With:   Ron Taylor, Glenn Schiller, Jim Cunningham, Jim Ferguson, Al Bohn,
John Sullivan, Joe Hocker, J R Howard, Fred Carlton, Max Phillips, and Paul Ranney

Jim Ferguson's spring spreaders

Leaf spring spreader on the front spring with new shackle sleeves.
The fun part was removing the bushings from the shackles.

Four Funny Mechanics: Cunningham, Sullivan, Hocker, and Ferguson

Taylor, Ferguson, Ranney, Carlton, and Cunningham

Loosening the bolts on the springs

with a longer tool

Measuring the length on the front brake operating pin which should be 7.28 inches.

Since this one is only 7.13, we will need a pill or two.
Some of the new ones are only 7.13.

Front axle is bent backward.

With Ron Taylor's portable puller, pusher, and spreader, this will just take a minute.

A little correction

The muscle

In the early years, Mary Kay didn't give out the whole car to their top performers,
according to a normally reliable source.

Anyone can use these, but it takes an expert to put it all back in the box.

The spring perch alignment was off a few degrees. Time for the small cheater bar.

Okay, now use two hands and a knee.

The book says it will take a lot of heat and WD-40 to remove the spring perch.

A lot of heat, but it would not budge.

Let's remove the wishbone and axle to give us some working room.

Spring, front axle, tie rod, and wishbone came out easily.

Now here's the plan.

The chain should be evenly spaced from the bending point.

Getting the radius ball back into place wasn't so easy.

After a bit of antique shopping,
Laurie, Billie, and Rebecca met the boys for lunch at Smokey Mo's BBQ.

The saga of Glenn Schiller's car continues.
