Lone Star Model A Ford Club |
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Marlin Tour - February 20, 1999Saturday, January 20, 1999 dawned cool and overcast in Austin, but by the time we got to Georgetown, there was a very light mist. Max and I discussed the possibility that people would not want to get out and get their cars wet. Were we wrong. It was still misting when we left the restaurant about nine a.m., but we headed out. Just as we were getting out of town, we got a message over the CB that a car was stopping. One of our club member's car threw a fan blade that then punctured a hole in the radiator. They made the decision to go home and switch to modern iron. They politely told us to go on, that they would catch up with us later, which they did. There were no more stops for mechanical difficulties as we cruised on out to Cameron. After a quick break at Dairy Queen (we should buy stock in DQ's) we stopped in on the Old Town Cameron Model - A City in Miniature. John Johnson of Cameron has been working on this scale model of the city for some 35 years. The model is about 40 feet long and 20 feet wide. With trains that puff smoke, to a house afire, the model is a labor of love. From 7 to 70+ we watched the trains go around. There was even a train wreck! From Cameron, we proceeded to Marlin, a 1994 Main Street participant. On the way, we saw some of the first Blue Bonnets and Indian Paintbrush of the season. Once in Marlin, we parked across the street from the 1929 Falls Hotel which was the eighth Conrad Hilton hotel. After photos we headed inside for a superb lunch at Libby & T's. The restaurant is not normally open for lunch on Saturday, but they opened up just for the Lone Star Model A Club. I hope we made it worth their while - there were 26 club members and two speakers for lunch. After lunch, the President of the Merchants Association, introduced the current Chairman of the Falls County Historical Commission. He told us a little bit of the history of the town and the railroads that brought people in to Marlin from all over the world. Why? To soak in the hot mineral water which still flows from a well dug in 1893. After seeing the first floor of the hotel, we headed over to the fountain of mineral water. A cold front had breezed in, so many of us let the peculiar tasting, hot water flow over our cold hands. Even though that felt really good, I could not get anyone to taste it, not after what we just heard. From there, we hit the antique stores, but then all too soon, we had to head back home. It was a pretty long day with just over 90 miles to Marlin, but I think everyone enjoyed it. Many thanks to webmaster@marlintexas.com, for all his help in planning this trip and making things happen for us in Marlin, Texas. |
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