Elgin Tour
Saturday, May 18th
Depart at 10:00am

Join us for a fantastic drive with fun and games to old Elgin Texas.
Drivers meeting at 10:00 am in the North Georgetown Library Parking Lot, after Pistons on the Square. We will arrive in Elgin in plenty of time for a great BBQ lunch. There will be a "Poker Run" game during the tour with further details announced at the 10 o'clock drivers meeting.
If you would like a bonus card for the poker run, find me at the pistons on the square! ...near a Model A most likely. I will be there by 8:30am. It is a small square, so call or text me, when you are there, and I will have playing cards at the ready! ...maybe a coffee as well?

See you there!
... Email walter@walterpayne.com with any questions,
or call/text 512-587-6653.

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