Texas Tour
10-13 June, 2021
***Save the date***
Where: Longview, TX
What: 58th Annual Texas State Tour
Chair: Tex Willis, 903-816-0638
Email: texastour2021@gmail.com
Website: coming soon. Check here.
Due to the short notice, as of now, this tour will be set up as last year with pre-packaged food
for the Welcome party and the Saturday evening banquet (can we call it a banquet?)
There will be a day tour through the East Texas countryside to either Kilgore or Mineola, TX
and another one to Jefferson, TX for Friday and Saturday.
I will post info and updates as soon as I have them. So far, I have the venue for the welcome
party and Saturday night banquet secured, as well as entertainment for both nights. Bring
your best voice and sing some karaoke!
Due to COVID, I have to get approval for our venue for over 100 people, and that will not be a problem.
This will be outdoors, so bring lawn chairs. Should we get visited by a summer shower,
we can move indoors. Please wear masks when out and about around others.
As soon as I nail down the food, I will get a registration form to distribute.
I will also go by the hotels around NE Longview and get group rates. Stay tuned!
Hey, I almost forgot! If you want to help, let me know!
Tex Willis

Who's ready for a Texas Tour? Visit to
read the welcome letter which includes a list of hotels grouped in the same general area as well
as the 58th Annual Texas Tour registration form.
If you want to put a business card size ad in the brochure that form is also on the website.
Our website is imbedded under the Autumn Trails Model A Ford Club website and we hope to have
it easier to "google" soon, as well as other updates to the website.