Led by Jim and Billie Cunningham
Movies require Quicktime

Rendezvous at the old town square

Our first stop was at Lexington where we all
changed John Sullivan's left rear tire.

Our second stop was in Giddings to set the points gap on John Anderson's car.

We went faster than a dragonfly.

Private parking at the Wendish Fest

Besides close-in parking, we received a free drink and a free snack.

A number of people inspected our horses.

The weather was perfect for drivers and tourists.

A couple dressed in their period black wedding dress.
Black represented the hard life in a marriage.

The lunch crowd was entertained by some
Wendish songs.
The $9 lunch was great, and the 50 cent pecan pie was a real treat.

Stone ground corn while you wait

Lois Howard on the grounds at the Museum.

The Wendish are famous for their painted eggs.

Obviously done with child labor.

Intricate crafts for sale

Museum entrance
Is that sign in German or Old English?

Things you would use 100 years ago.

An old hand driven wringer washing machine

Making lace

Spools of threads and ribbons

Home Sweet Home
The first pastors house.

The pulpit is on the second floor.
Men sat on the second floor while the rest of the family sat on the first.

Spinning wool

1926 LaFrance Fire Truck
No one would demonstrate using the hand crank.
A similar one at the ready

A nice row of tractors

Just Beautiful