Lone Star Model A Ford Club |
HISTORICAL INFORMATION ONLY!(Information on the Texas Tour 2005) Raffle for a Model A MotorSchedule - Parade - Car Games - Raffle - Rally - Statistics - Registration Form The Lone Star Model A Ford Club of Georgetown, Texas has raffle tickets for a "completely rebuilt Model A Motor donated by Pat Lindeman" of Fredericksburg, Texas. Phone: (830) 977-4762. Tickets will be available each day at the Texas Tour. Look for Rollon or Jack. Rollon has the tickets, but the motor is in the back of Jack's 1928 Model A Ford Pickup! Donations are $5.00 for each ticket, or $20.00 for five tickets. Drawing will be held at the Grand Awards Banquet on Saturday, June 6, 1998 at the 35th Annual Texas Tour, in Georgetown, Texas. Need not be present to win.
Created on June 27, 1998 Last updated on August 25, 2014 |
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