Lone Star Model A Ford Club |
HISTORICAL INFORMATION ONLY!(Information on the Texas Tour 2005) Registration Form for the 35th Annual Texas TourSchedule - Parade - Car Games - Raffle - Rally - Statistics - Registration Form Hosted by the Lone Star Model A Ford Club Georgetown, Texas TOUR # ______ NAME: _________________________________________________________ SPOUSE'S NAME: ________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________ CITY, STATE, ZIP: ________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ( _____ ) ________________________________________ OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS ATTENDING: ______________________________ PLEASE LIST NAMES AND AGES OF CHILDREN ATTENDING: _____________ _______________________________________________________________ CHAPTER AFFILIATION (S): _________________________________________
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: "35TH TEXAS TOUR." Print out this form in its entirety, fill it out, total it up, and mail it and a check or money order to: xxxxx DRIVER'S NAME: __________________________________________________ BODY STYLE: ____________________________ YEAR: ________ WOULD YOU LIKE YOUR CAR JUDGED? ______ ARE YOU INTERESTED IN PARTICIPATING IN THE FASHION SHOW? ________ I HEREBY RELEASE MODEL A FORD CLUB OF AMERICA, INC. AND THE LONE STAR MODEL A FORD CLUB FROM ANY AND ALL LIABILITIES. SUBMITTAL OF THIS REGISTRATION FORM WHETHER SIGNED OR UNSIGNED, CONSTITUTES ACCEPTANCE OF THIS RELEASE. SIGNATURE: ___________________________________________ Any questions about Tour Registration? E-mail xxxxx, Registrar. Any questions about the Texas Tour? E-mail xxxxx, Tour Chairman. HISTORICAL INFORMATION ONLY!
Created on June 27, 1998 Last updated on August 25, 2014 |
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